Developing our People
We want our people to have careers with us that are rewarding and meaningful. We have a role to play not just in providing opportunities for our staff, but in encouraging, enabling, and supporting them to achieve their goals. We recognize that everyone’s needs are slightly different, so we work hard to promote a day-to-day environment that can respond to those needs and allow people to play to their strengths.
In particular, we encourage a ‘family friendly’ environment for all staff. We take pride in meeting all our obligations under local legislation, including maternity, paternity, adoption, parental and dependents’ leave. We also encourage our people to return and continue their careers with us after any extended leave and keep in touch with them during periods of absence.
We continue to develop new ways to communicate our initiatives to our people, to develop programs that they want, to find ways to connect them with the right opportunities, and to give them the chance to provide feedback at every stage.