
Securing your today for a safe tomorrow

Airswift takes every possible step to ensure that no employee is harmed whilst undertaking their role with the business. Airswift issues a full health and safety policy as part of staff induction, as well as ensuring all employees are provided with the appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision that they require to work safely and efficiently. 

Zero Is Everything logo

Zero is Everything

“Zero is Everything” is Airswift’s global safety initiative. Our employees work closely with all contractors and clients to promote safety awareness and safe work practices where zero incidents is the goal.

Global Statistics

  • Injuries
  • Man-hours
  • Near misses
  • Injury-free days
  • Days away from work
  • Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)

Global Resources 

Airswift maintains accounts with three global resources, ISN, Avetta and PEC, that connect clients with safe contractors. These systems help our clients obtain safety materials that are needed to continue business (rates, stats, safety programs, certificates, etc.). Airswift has an “A” average with all clients.

Collaborative Laptop Session


Airswift is pleased to be an active member of ISNetworld. We have centralised our compliance data within ISNetworld and streamlined our reporting process, making it easier for our clients to prequalify with our company.

ISN Contractor Safety Management

Airswift have made the following information available to our clients in an electronic format, which is available online 24 hours a day:

  • Health, Safety, and Environmental Questionnaire
  • Insurance Certificates
  • OSHA Forms
  • Experience Modification Rate (EMR) Letters
  • Written Health, Safety, and Environmental Programs
  • Training Information
  • Reporting of Hours and Incidents by Month
Secretary at Work

Training & Tests

Airswift can assist with scheduling training and tests as well as tracking certificate expiration dates. Below are a few of the training and tests we help facilitate.

Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) prepares contractors for an emergency exit in case of a crash landing over water.

Basic Plus Orientations inform contractors of general safety rules, regulations, practices and principles associated with their contract / client

Safe Gulf / Safe Land provides an awareness of general safety information that an employee should know before entering a company facility.


Safety Moments

We have a library of tips and safety guides available for clients, candidates and contractors to help promote and raise safety awareness.

View our safety moments 

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