Janette Marx on Oil and Gas Industry Leaders Podcast

Industry News

By Monica Peralta
September 10, 2018

August 23, 2019

0 min read

“Who are you lifting and bringing up with you? As I think about all my different promotions throughout my career, one of the things I am most proud of is the legacy of people who got promoted behind me.” - Janette Marx discussing her journey in the Oil and Gas industry to her current role as CEO of Airswift on the Oil and Gas Global Network (OGGN) Industry Leader's podcast.

Janette Marx spoke with Paige Wilson on the Oil and Gas Industry Leaders Podcast to discuss her journey in the oil and gas industry to her current role as CEO of Airswift.

“We’ve got to be able to keep the diversity of thought and the diversity of different countries and cultures coming together because we win as mankind.”

Click here to listen to the full podcast

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