Tell us how a job or placement you found through Airswift has impacted your life for the better
Has a job, career change or work opportunity helped shape the person you are? Has your experience with Airswift impacted your life for the better, or helped you progress in your journey in unplanned or unexpected ways?
If so: we want to hear from you!
At Airswift, our vision is to transform lives through the world of work. Jobs and careers are important, but our lives are so much more than that: work should give us the opportunity to improve our lives and the lives of others around us.
To that end, if you have a story to tell about your own journey, we want to hear it. Has a job or placement opened new doors for you to grow as a person? Has it empowered you to put your own values into practice and make a positive impact on the environment and society?
If so, fill out the form and let us know. If we think your story will strike a chord with other readers, we may ask to share it with our followers on social media and in our email newsletter.
"Thanks to support from Airswift, I've been able to relocate for work on multiple occasions. Working in IT, I learn something new every day and have countless opportunities to exercise and develop new problem-solving skills."
Contractor, Tyra Gas